Hi Rob and other hayfever sufferers, A division of my company is a non-medical private research arm studying hayfever and trialing a non-drug cure which has proven amazingly effective in the small test groups used to date. We are collecting Australian data but would like some input from other countries so if you care to please let us kknow the following; Is your hayfever seasonal? If yes How long have you suffered? (number of years) Which of the following symptoms do you have - (a) headache, (b)sneezing, (c) running nose, (d)lethargy, (e)sore eyes, If (A) when does the headache start and how long does it last? If (B)when during the day is the sneezing most obvious and when does in start. If (c)- when during the day is the sneezing most obvious and when does in start. If (d)- On average how long do you sleep at night. If (e) - when during the day is the sneezing most obvious and when does in start. Does sun glare affect you? Do you wear sunglasses? If so how often (how many hours a day? Rate your general fitness level; Poor OK average above average excellent Thanks Hartley