Hi all, There is and organization that may be able to answer many of the ?s I've seen posted:Spondylitis Assoc. of America: www.spondylitis.org They provide info.,support and are doing a research poject that you may want to be involved in. I have had this disease for 10 years and was misdiagnosed for 9 of those. I am looking for feedback on successful treatments you have tried beyond the anti-inflammatories. Traditional and or alternative medicine. I am headed for methyltrexate and don't want to go on it. Has anyone been on it and done well? what were the side effects? Has anyone used plaquenil? Any of the new drugs for Rheumatoid: enbrel, arava, etc? were they only used after the other drugs failed? What were the Side effects? Is anyone using MSM other supplements? Please let me know what works for you. If you'd like to know what has helped me write me & I'll share what has helped. I have had 4 spinal-pelvic surgeried to date. I believe I may have spared those if I was correctly diagnosed early on.I wish you all sunshine. Thanks, Kathy