I had Bell's Palsy in 1984/5 and at that stage lived in a pretty remote part of South Africa where the doctors had no idea of this virus. With the result I never received the proper treatment immediately and to this day still suffer from the same probelems you are experiencing - often asking "why me?". Subsequently I have heard that cortisone injection immediately on contracting this virus is the one solution and I know of several people who received this treatment and there is almost zero problems afterwards. Did you receive cortizone injections on contracting Bell's palsy? Are you a highly stressed person? I am quite a perfectionist and really push myself very hard and find stress and adrenalin drives me - so to compensate I ensure that I get a course of Vitamin B injections every year and that seems to help. I also take Silica in the form of a tissue salt every day of my life. I hope this information is of some use and remember that there are millions worse off than you.