Hi: Thanks for your e-mail and posting. Yes, I've had flex-sig, colonoscopy, etc and am under the care of a GI specialist. About 5 years ago I had a severe case of giardia cysts (giardosis) and although they cleared that infection up, I've been left with this IBS. I also have vasal vagal syncope and the vagal nerve extends from the brain down to the colon, so it may be that this irregularity of the vagal nerve is causing the spasms and subsequent diarrhea. I can take Lomotil and Levsin as needed but basically just watch my diet and try to get enough fiber including Metamucil. I believe IBS is also an autoimmune disorder (I have the negative antibodies of course) and this could also cause the disorder. Either way, I've done about all that can be done for it. My docs say I have to learn to live with it and watch what I eat. Thanks again for your reply. I'm here if you have any response to the above.