nancy van ryzin
Message 1 of 1
My husband had the disease. It is an iron overload (your body can not filter out the iron.The body accumulates and stores too much iron.Approximately 90% of cases are hereditary.For people who have the disease, removing blood regularly is the only known treatment for hemochromatosis. To the lady who posted the note. You need to go to a blood specialist or Oncology Dr. He can do the proper blood tests and deternine the next course of action. If you have siblings, they also need to be tested so if they have the gene the proper course of action can be taken. Since the symptoms are hard to detect sometimes, it wasn't til late in life that it was detected in my husband and he had cirosis of the liver,his pancreas was affected and his bone marrow. A form of cancer can develope also.So you can see it is very important that you seek a specialist in this matter. My husband battled it for 3 years and I lost him a year and a half ago.Please read up on it or get info from the internet. There is plenty out there. Keep me posted, I would be very interested in hearing from you