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Carol, I am very uneducated about this specific type of cancer. A very good friend of mine's father has just been diagnosed with cancer of th pancreas as well as the liver ,all intestines and it has gone as far as the groin and down into the testicles. This has just been found out about 8 days ago. I don't see anything productive to cime of this because it has taken so long before they found the problem and it has spread everywhere as well as the tail of the pancreas. He isn't able to talk about this right now (my friend) and I understand but in all reality because of the severity of it cancer being everywhere else, do you think that his father has more than a couple of months to live. I would never tell him and would leave it to the dr's but would like to know so that i can become stronger sooner to be prepared to help him with his loss. He did tell me today that they gave him a year max. but that would be a pretty much a miracle and that's all they are telling the family. He also just came down with the pneumonia and is hospitalized for that right now. I am so glad that they caught yours so soon. That's why it's so important to go to a good Dr. and often Thank you and my prayers are with you. Jeanean