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I am very susceptible to bone spurs. I had had one removed from my heel after trying orthotics, all sorts of anti-steroidals, ultrasound, steroid shots (I'll NEVER do that again!) and nothing helped except having it removed. The doctor said it was the largest he'd ever seen-about 2 " long. HOWEVER, when I developed one in the other foot, and two weeks before I was scheduled to have it removed, someone told me about taking Knox gelatin, the unflavored kind. I put one packet in orange juice or hot tea a day. In 3 days my pain was completely gone! (before that I was crawling to the bathroom each morning). I did a little research to try and understand why Knox gelatin works and here's what I found. Knox contains chondroitin, something that your body normally makes, but is found in animal cartilege. Beef cartilege in Knox. What chondroitin does is to put back elasticity in your tendons that attach to bone. Bone spurs cause your tendons to shrink. That's why with Plantar fasciitis it feels like your toes are curled under in the morning. In reality, with surgery, they could clip the tendon and not remove the spur and you would have relief. The tendon reattaches itself longer and that's why you have no pain. But the chondroitin accomplishes the same thing, but without surgery. Try it, I think you'll feel alot better!