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I am a 35 year old white male. I do smoke , have 1-2 drinks a night and know very well I don't exercise enough. About a week ago I was with some friends and had quite a bit too much to drink. I woke the next am for work with a slight hangover but nothing unusual. However during the day did start to get a nice size headache in the back right of my head. I have had that for over a week now , all day , everyday. I've had nothing to drink since and over the counter medications do work for a few hours. But it is not going away. The only trigger I can come up with is that night I had a couple too many drinks. It was also the first time I ever felt I experienced a slight memory loss of some of the things from the night before. I am trying to find out if I may have done some damage to myself and what I can do about it.