My name is Margie and I have had KC for a over 20 years. It is a very difficult eye disease to handle. I have worn glasses, hard contacts, gas-perm, piggyback lenses, everything short of eye surgery. I have suffered immensely with ulcers and recently had a corneal abrasion due to the contacts. I am now healing from that but it has taken five days out of work and my family life. Is there anyone out there that suffers from abrasions or ulcers affiliated with contact wear? What can be done to avoid this. Is it the fact that I wear piggy back lenses which is a soft contact first, then you place a hard contact on top of the soft. My doctor recently told me that I was rejecting the soft contact and I needed new ones. Well, now after three weeks I have corneal abrasions. Does anyone have any suggestions? I am so frustrated.