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I've found my son only develops patches of eczema when he's exposed to something he reacts to. I'm not certain if this is a true allergy which could be detected by blood test. He outgrew the reaction after 6 mths off the offending substances. Initially he would develop eczema from rice or any other type of infant cereal mixed with breast milk. If I had been giving him formula, I think I might have suspected that, but you should keep in mind that it can be something contacting the skin (fabric, laundry soap, fabric rinse, soap, shampoo, latex), or another food/drink (such as apple juice and later addtions of food), so it's a pretty long list to go through. In our case the cause was obvious since the eczema started the week he started solids (cereal) but rarely is it so easy to uncover. He is now almost four and I have only seen him develop eczema once since, when given the egg-based MMR vaccine. Please check with your doctor before switching formulas. Soy is a potential allergen, just as cow's milk is, so you may not see improvement.