My hubby has had 2 reversals. Both were "successful" initially, and then closed up due to scar tissue within about 8 months each time. This is very common. The success rates for reversal are not the baby-rates or even rates of those who have tubes that stay connected and open after healing..success rates are measured in that the vas. was reattached. This is a very misleading figure...95% or something. Some techniques used for reversal have an almost certain failure rate after about a year after surgery.. the drs. remain in business because people don't realize they should retest after 6 months or a year to see if they are still successful, and many get pregnant in the meantime. Most men who have reversals donot regain a normal shaped sperm, or have good counts. Many, like my hubby, have scar tissue that blocks the way after 6 months or so. We always had excellent sperm info. within 2 months of the surgeries, and then later on tested again and had a 0 count due to blockage from scar tissue. For the second surgery we used the very best reversal dr. in the USA (there is just one better in Austrailia). Wish we had never had that vasectomy..big error. We have 2 children naturally (pre-vas) and have adopted 2 more children! :) I still pray that God will heal my hubby for more babies naturally, but we have done what we can do and it is in His hands. Children are a blessing and fertility is precious! Don't mess with it!!!!! :) ~~Anna