It sounds like iron or protein deficiency. Maybe if you ate more frequently during the day (every 3 hours) small meals with sufficient amounts of protein in them it might help. I, too used to suffer the same thing and that is what it was. My doctor many years ago told me that I needed to eat smaller meals more often because I had a "hummingbird" metabolism. He said that some people can go all day and eat 1 or 2 meals and other people are like a hummingbird and need to eat all day. The good part about it is that it keeps your metabolism working all day and you stay thinner (I kknow that sounds weird, but it's true). I weigh about 100 lbs and am 5'2" and I eat religiously every 21/2 to 3 hours or else I feel sick and if I go too long it results in a migraine. Good luck