We all have little organisms living within us, from mites in our eyelashes to bacteria in our intestines. The major trick is, inviting and keeping the ones you want. A population of Acidophilus and other benevolent bacteria will create an environment that produces usable B vitamins, improves your digestion, and makes yeast move outof the neighborhood. First, you need to put it in your diet. Daily use of yoghurt and/or acidophilus milk are easy for those of us who like dairy products; otherwise you can get capsules of the culture. In order to grow and flourish within, these little creatures need roughage and some lactose (milk sugar). They are easily killed by alcohol or high doses of sugar, which will encourage the unwelcome yeasties to move back in. I had several yeast infections in my early twenties, but have been free of them for thirty years since I discoverd yogurt and acidophilus milk. Give it a try - and let your 6-year old have some too. You both deserve optimum health and enjoyment in life.