I have a 17 yr old son diagnosed with dyspraxia at 8 yrs. He did not crawl till 12 months and walked at 22 months.He did not start talking till he was 4 1/2 and started school at 5 with a vocab of about 40 words. I taught him signing starting at about 2 1/2. Altho he is slightly stilted with his walk his overall coordination is normal. He rides a bike has played hockey and cricket. He is a wiz on a computer. His speech is still poor but he seems to cope. His worst problem is that he still has a juvenile swallow which makes him a messy eater and produces a bad lisp which affects his speech. It would be an idea to get your child checked for tactile defensiveness and eye tracking as these are frequently part of dyspraxia and can be worked thro' with a young child. All the best