I have a soon to be 3 year old son that was just diagnosed with dyspraxia; however his is verbal. Since he also has a history of febrile seizures and an extra Y chromosome, we don't know if he was born with it or if it is related to either of those. His development (crawling, walking) were a little behind, but he finally began walking when he was around 14-15 months. He is very large for his age, but that could be related to the chromosome abnormality. As far as we can tell he has no seeing problems. He does; however, have behavior problems. We are trying to determine if they are just "terrible two's" and a combination of not being able to talk or if he truly has a behavior problem. I am a pediatric nurse, but never really dealt with any children that have this. Since he was recently diagnosed, I am still in the "shock" phase and researching it. Would love to hear from you....maybe we can help each other through it.