John Hunt
Hi Kerri. I am not a doctor. But I have just been diagnosed with DVT for the second time in 2 years. One in my left leg,2 years ago, now in my right leg. I am a 44 year old male, and they have no idea why this is happening to me. This one now in my right leg, I got at a very early stage, so the damage is minimal. But the one 2 years ago in my left leg, was real bad. I had a clot from my left heel, all the way up one vein to the knee, then about 6 inches up past the knee. I know now that, one of the side affects of the heparin, is the pain that goes along with the recovery. I was in extreme pain. I found that if I wrapped it good with an ace bandage helped alot. I would also take hot baths, that would minimize the pain alot too. But not on a constant basis. It just got better in time. The doctors also told me, that I should wear that surgical stocking all the time, but I could take it off when I went to bed. Ok then, I hope I may have helped you a little bit, good luck.