Update on my injury. Start to work Mon., 3/20. While I was off work post surgery I was selected for a promotion. I am with my bum right arm/hand, beginning a new job--talk about stressful--clumsy dominant hand and everything about the job new. So far everyone has been supportive, especially my new boss. Thank God for spell check--I still have such limited sensation that most words are only partially spelled out. I'm slow so I stay about an extra hour to hour and a half just to be somewhat, but not compoletely, current on my work. After a week, that first Friday was awful--my hand felt like I had touched a hot burner--the sensation was terrible and it felt like ice picks were being shoved up each finger. Neurologist said it is good--more regeneration. This lasted for 4 days. Then went away but now I have very limited feeling in the palm of my hand. I cannot distinguish what is touching it--like a pin, marker, spoon, or piece of soap. BUT I can feel something is there!!! Again, Thanks for all of your responses. What would I have done if there was no web? Email me at if any of you need to talk--I know how much it helps. I'm so glad that things are moving in a positive way and I probably will not need surgery. After the "accident" that happened with my last surgery, I don't know I could have handled the emotional turmoil of having another one. Fran