There is no way to tell if you have genital warts except to have an active outbreak. My doctor has told me that the typical time frame for a break out may be within 3 months, but can possibly not come out for years. I would definately ask your husband to see a doctor. If he did contract the virus, it could have been years ago and not shown up until now. The tests consists of a solution being placed on the affceted area, and if turns white, then it's warts. Keep in mind that the warts can take typically take on a cauliflower like appearance, forming in clusters. Some can remain as a single wart as well. You should also go to the doctor for usual check ups. Also understand that they may appear on the outside of the vagina, where you may notice them, but can also hide inside and on the cervix. Let your doctor know your concerns, and they may see you more often than the once a year exam to make sure you're ok. Protected sex does not stop the virus from being transmitted, as the virus may live in the surrounding skin tissue, or in places where there is not yet an outbreak. Once treated, it is unlikely the warts will ever appear again, however you will still carry the virus. I hope I haven't give you more information than you need, but I hope this helps a little. Post another message if you have other questions.