I was just reading your letter and wanted to respond. I was diagnosed with stomach ulcers in November after having a EGD done ( it's a simple procedure where the doctor goes in and scopes your stomach, they sedate you so you don't know anything). My doctor then placed me on Prevacid 30mg twice a day and propulsid 20mg four times a day and repeated my EGD two days ago and showed me and even gave me a copy of the film showing me where the ulcers had healed. For a long time I drank milk to help my stomach but it didn't help. Taking this medication helped so much. It's something you could dicuss with your doctor and I would be happy to send you a brochere on this medication if you like. I got them from my doctor. My address is Becky Robertson, P.O. Box 3612, Cookeville, Tennesee 38502.