Joanne Weiss
Hi, I also have interstitial cystitis. In addition to the bladder installation treatments, my doc has prescribed Elmiron for I.C. My doc has told me that this is the only drug that has the potential for reducing or eliminating symptoms of I.C. Elmiron worked moderately for me, except I had to discontinue it because of severe side effects with stomach problems. Unfortunately, my bladder symptoms have come back which include bladder pain, urgency and frequency. I have not gone back to visit my doctor as yet. I don't beieve I have any other choices for drugs to take for symptoms of I.C. You mentioned bladder treatment. I had been catherizied also and did not find it to be painful at all. May I say that perhaps you may have been very tense during these catherizations or you health practioner was not very gentle. It should not be painful. Thank you. J.W.