EBV is not mono, it comes from the same virus though. There are three things that come from the active EBV virus. 1 is mono, 2 is EBV and 3 is Burkitts Lymphoma. The research I have done states that it can last from 1 month to 10 years. I have had it for 3 and am feeling great. I didnt change my diet except for cutting out all preservatives. Buy only organic. The pesticides dont encourage your body to produce new healty cells. I joined an gym and do regular Yoga and massage. The combination has really helped me feel almost normal. You can not get it again by being exposed to someone with mono because you already have the virus in your body. You can have flare ups after periods of emotional (happy or sad) or physical stress such as the flu. All of the people I talk to with the virus agree that it is the combination of things that help and it will make you slow down.