Question: I had to do my own research and finally came to the conclusion that I may have trimethylaminuria. My question is that I went to my doctors for years telling them that I have a foul body odor, foul urine odor, and genital odor (ob/gyn tests have concluded that no infection is present, ph of the vagina was 4.7, no STD's, etc.), one would think that after seeing several different doctors, one of the doctors would have come to this conclusion? From my research the only clinic that will conduct the test is the Children's Hospital in Little Rock, arkansas, the test is approximately, $200.00. I am awaiting the informational packet. I hope this may help someone. I certainly hope it helps me, get my life back. This offensive body odor thing is so embarrassing and it affects one social life. I remember a few years ago, I did my own research again and asked my doctor about my hilicobacter count and again, I was laughed at by the doctor and sent on my way. Not one, or two doctors did this, but several, after a while the situation seems hopeless.