One of the best things you can do for yourself at this time is to find an orthopedist (bone specialist) who specializes in scoliosis. There are also scoliosis clinics - these can be found in most large cities. It's hard to believe it right now, but you are not alone. I was in my 30s when my scoliosis was diagnosed. My family physician was very old and always told me and my parents that the enlarged shoulder and they fact that I was getting shorter was due to a birth defect. My mother having had back surgury in the 1950s did not want her child to suffer like she had, truly wanted to believe the doctor. It was not until her poor health and the fact that I could no longer take the pain that I decided to seek another professional. His opinion was not pleasant nor was it what I wanted to hear. I was told to enjoy my life for as long as I could because there was nothing that could be done. After the tears dried up, I sought a specialist who told me that I had double curves that and that my type of scoliosis is called severe. There are several things that can be done including exercises and a change in lifestyle. But you must seek a very good specialist. And no, you do not always have to have an operation. The public library has good information and there is a lot of good information online. Good luck to you and your family. -Grabber