I am looking for any information on scleroderma. I recently had a positive ANA,(anti-nuclear antibody) test which was 1280. I have one doctor that says it is CREST, and another one that says it is scleroderma. Either way, I have 4 young boys, and would like to be around while they grow up! I am scared, mad, depressed, sad, FRUSTRATED, and tired all the time. I also work full-time, somedays I am barely able to make it to all of their activities! I also have the Raynauds Phen. my fingers are constantly swollen and ache. And with the Raynauds they turn white in just cool weather! I also had a positive Epstein-Barr test, the doctors said don't worry about it. Please, if anyone has any advice or information on this I would appreciate it SO much! I feel So ALONE and afraid, nobody seems to understand how I feel and what I am going through. Thanks again!