I think the best person to listen to is Dr. Bernard Rimland of the San Diego Autistic Research Institute. He believes within 5 years the "cause" of Autism will be known. unfortunately to say it's a Genetic disorder is a way to put the blame on either mom or dad...and really doesn't address the autistic child. what good does it do to say yes it's Genetic. much more important to work with our children in positive ways, to accept our children and help them to strive for the best that each individual autistic child is capable of. I personally believe that in genetic disorder would be a gene in the auto immune system that is attacked during year 2..whether by the MMR theory, or by anti biotics given during these years. the truth is out there, but in the meantime my son is a happy and productive 15 year old. The known cause is not going to change his life. Putting your finger on the WHY of Autism should never be the first priority of Autism...but everyone must make his or her own journey through the land of Autism on their own. Try and enjoy the view!! :)