Deb W
Not sure if you've got an answer yet, but just discovered this site. When they diagnose narcolepsy, they do it partly on the basis of the absence of other diseases when you have the symptoms for narc. I had a bunch of tests, including a brain scan where they almost let you fall asleep, but not quite. They measure how fast you hit the REM sleep. Some of the other usual symptoms are the hallucinations just as you are going to sleep. I've had these since I was a kid - they're interesting once you get accustomed to them. I was on ritalin for a long time, but then you get tolerant of it and have to take a break for 4-6 weeks & just suffer. A different web site said there was a new drug approved in '99 that I haven't checked out yet. A lot of doctors think this disease is bogus, so try to see a neurologist - they understand it. Good luck!