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Sir, The condition of the patient when approached the Doctor is that of chronic cerebritis. immediately MASTOIDECTAMY was done. After 5 days swelling occured on the neck and on scanning found to be "INTERNAL JUGULAR VEIN THROMBOSIS " details of medicines administered: 1.HEPARIN 2. crystaline penciline 5% dilution 3. FORTUM 1gr 1 - 0 - 1 The age of the patient is 13 Now the thrombus has reduced in size The wants to know further R/ note : I am the patient's uncle and has internet fecility with me. The doctor is in a town 250 km away from me where the Internet fecility is not available he told me to post the matter , get the reply and send it to him through fax So please help me by replying early Thanking you Ramamoorthy our doctor is Dr. Shanmugam M.B., M.S.(ENT)