I am 32 and also have beta thalassemia minor. I have been finding it harder and harder to function professionally and personally due to extreme fatigue and somnolence. Basically, no matter how much sleep I get, I remain tired. I often have to lay down during the day at work just to get through the day. I also have joint pain and easy bruising but these are not major problems for me. I am prone to infections of all sorts. I seem to get everything that goes around and take longer to recover. I was worked up very thoroughly by my physicians and the only problems appear to be the BTM and at times a mildly enlarged spleen. I have heard too many other people report the same problems with BTM to believe that everyone with BTM is not the cause of some of these symptoms. I am open to hearing any suggestions - medication, dietary changes, vitamins etc. I take Ritalin to help me stay more alert but have not found it to be overly helpful.