Nancy Keggan
Dear Paul, What did they try other than hand therapy that you feel helped? I take Relaphen, a non-steroidal antiinflammatory drug and valium to try to help put the RSD in remission. They are afraid to us TENS because I have had an irregular heart beat in the past. I am 64. If you know, specifically, anything else that might help, please suggest it and I will discuss it with my doctor. I am flying to Florida this coming Tuesday to an orthopediac doctor who merely looks at the hand charges $176 a visit and sends me hand therapy that cost me $3000 for two months. The insurance didn't pay for any of it and left me with a $900 bill from therapy at Miami Valley Hospital. Any suggestions I might bring to the doctor for consideration would be appreciated. I got this in August 1999 from a too tight cast which turned the hand blue, then lobster red and seeping. That doctor won't help at all. He says he doesn't know how to treat RSD. Thanks for answering. I'm glad yours is iin remission and that you still czre that there are others still suffering from it. I am losing the bone in the arm Nancy Keggan